The people of Vostera are the life and blood of the world, conscious entities with their own goals, motivations and aspirations. Some of them have dumb names made up on the spot, others just happen to have names that sound funny no matter how much time I spent trying to find a better one.
Adam Fawcett
High priest of the silver moon church in Adenville.
Alexander Hasan
Was the leader of the ALF. Curshed by a block of salt.
Anatolios Vishal
Was the highest rated thief in the grand theft-off.
Astrid Leapol
Captain of the Lazy Beaver.
Barack Shelano
Hemlock's contact with the underbelly.
Betty Hasenford
The assistant of sheriff Jay.
12 year old terrorist.
The Devumal Twins
The twins that stole the tripal stone from Cheetoh's Angels.
Elwyn Mardan
Flamboyant tiefling merchant.
The underbelly bartender.
Headmaster Vonn
Headmaster of the academy in port dalia.
Jay Forenthro
Murdered sheriff of Afeer.
Kari Shuhrat
Mayor of Port Dalia.
Khava Amina
Artefactmaster of the Underbelly.
Lucius Aemon
Lucina's brother, terrorist.
Nola Ashir
Daughter of the Planewalker.
Pelias Hasenford
Mayor of Afeer village.
The Planewalker
Vostera's Jesus.
Raoul Ragimund
Head of the Underbelly.
The Titans
Extinct race of gigantic creatures.
Vespera Argent
The Silver Viper. Head of the peacekeeping division of the Academy and political menace.
Vixal Blund
Vespera's right-hand man.
Terry Dodson
Jonny's #1 employee.
Ancient silver dragon
Jone's daughter
Bald and fat human man met on the carriage to Kimbar
Half-elven woman you met on the carriage to kimbar
Head priestess of Vero's church in Avendor